You deserve to work with a legal advocate who understands the severity of the charges against you. We have the technical and legal experience necessary to handle this life-altering case.

Rhode Island's Premier Sex Crimes Attorney
Charged with a Sex Crime in Rhode Island?
Call (401) 441-5486 for a Free Consultation.
The term sex crime encompasses a broad range of divergent crimes. More than any other type of crime, sex crimes invoke a strong emotional response. The penalties for sex crimes are severe and include lengthy imprisonment, sex offender counseling, and sex offender registration. At the Law Offices of Robert H. Humphrey, we are prepared to provide you with a thorough and knowledgeable defense.

Knowledgeable & Experienced Criminal Lawyers in RI
Whatever sex crime you are charged with, you are almost certainly facing lengthy imprisonment, sex offender counseling, sex offender registration, and a lifelong criminal record. No matter how complex your charges are, no matter what penalties you face, you can rely on the Rhode Island sex crime lawyers at this firm.
Find defense for sex crimes that include, but are not limited to:
- First-degree sexual assault
- Second-degree sexual assault
- Third-degree sexual assault
- Child molestation sexual assault - First Degree
- Child molestation sexual assault - Second Degree
- Child pornography
- Disorderly conduct-indecent exposure
- Disorderly conduct - peeping tom law
- Duty to report sexual assault
- Indecent | Electronic solicitation of a child
- Statutory rape
- Sexting - Electronic dissemination of indecent material
- Video voyeurism
When you or a family member has been charged with a sex crime, Attorney Robert Humphrey can help to guide you through the legal process successfully. First, find out how you may overcome the severe threat of these charges. Then, review your legal options in a no-cost, no-obligation case review.
Call (401) 441-5486 or use this online evaluation form today to start your defense!
Rhode Island Sex Crime Lawyer Robert Humphrey
As a result of his knowledge of sex crimes, Attorney Humphrey is a frequent lecturer at educational programs, including the Rhode Island Bar Association and Salve Regina University. In 2005, Attorney Humphrey published an article entitled, "Surveying Sex Crimes Law in Rhode Island" in the Rhode Island Bar Journal. In addition, attorney Humphrey is a past member of the Rhode Island Sex Offender Board of Review. Attorney Humphrey's article entitled " Cyber Crimes: Bullying, Stalking, Sexting & Texting" was published in the Rhode Island Bar Journal in 2011. This article discusses the growing threat of sex crimes perpetrated through the Internet.
Contact Attorney Humphrey at the Law Offices of Robert H. Humphrey today.
I can’t thank you enough for saving my son’s life. We have friends with college-aged students whose lives have been destroyed by one stupid mistake. Your name will be forever emblazoned in my mind.- Lee