Rhode Island White Collar Crime Defense Attorney
Providing Defense to White Collar Crime Allegations
White collar crime includes both felonies and misdemeanors. This is a category of non-violent criminal acts generally committed for financial gain through the use of deceit or fraud. Because success almost always depends upon operating in secret, the perpetrator usually becomes skilled at covering his or her tracks, which in some cases can make it difficult for investigators to really nail down who committed the crime. Professional reputations are delicate and easily damaged. Just an accusation alone may destroy the career of a person who is in a position of trust. If you are under suspicion, or have been accused of a white collar crime, take action immediately to consult a Rhode Island white collar crime attorney who can help you to protect your rights and your future.
Accused of committing a white collar crime? Start your defense by contacting the Law Offices of Robert H. Humphrey today!
White Collar Crimes in Rhode Island
White collar crimes include such criminal acts as:
- Embezzlement and employee theft
- Insurance fraud
- Identity theft
- Money laundering
- Bribery and illegal kickbacks
- Credit card fraud
- Government fraud
- Ponzi schemes
- SEC violations
- Computer crimes
- Other criminal offenses
The consequences of being convicted of a white collar crime will vary depending upon the circumstances and the value of the money or assets lost by the victims. Penalties on conviction include incarceration, fines, probation, parole, a blot on your criminal record, restitution, and the likelihood of difficulty gaining future employment. Every case is unique and requires a Rhode Island white collar crime lawyer with a wide range of understanding of the law, business, computer technology, accounting and financial procedures in order to develop a defense convincing to a prosecutor or a jury.
Early intervention by a skilled Rhode Island white collar crime lawyer, depending on the circumstances, could result in no charges being brought, charges being reduced or dropped altogether. Although many cases are resolved through negotiation before the point of going to trial, if the case must be fought in the courtroom to see justice done, attorney Humphrey has the experience as a former prosecutor and many years as a defense attorney, to fight for a positive outcome.
Contact a Rhode Island white collar crime attorney at our firm to discuss your defense if you have been accused of a crime.