Rhode Island Murder defense Attorney
Are you facing a charge of murder?
If you have been arrested for murder, you urgently need the assistance of a Rhode Island criminal defense attorney with extensive experience in fighting these charges. The penalties are harsh if you are convicted of murder in the first degree (the most serious) or murder in the second degree. You need to understand your rights and the charges against you. The first right to take advantage of is your right to remain silent. You are advised not to discuss the charges or the events surrounding your arrest with anyone other than your legal counsel, especially not with a cellmate. Jails are filled with people who are looking for an opportunity to make a deal in exchange for information.
Murder Lawyer in Rhode Island
First degree murder is generally understood to be a premeditated act. Under R.I. Gen. Laws Sec. 11-23-1 murder in the first degree includes but is not limited to any murder committed during the commission of such crimes as arson, rape, sexual assault, resisting arrest, child molestation, kidnapping, robbery, burglary, or felony manufacture, delivery, sale, or distribution of a controlled substance. The penalties include 20 years to life in prison and in some circumstances there can be no parole. Penalties for murder in the second degree range from 10 years to life imprisonment. Prosecutors have vast resources to call upon in the gathering of evidence and building of a case against you. You need to be represented by a murder defense lawyer who is experienced in investigating criminal charges and is highly motivated to develop a powerful defense for you.
Attorney Humphrey has 30 years of experience as a prosecutor and in criminal defense. He has the hands-on understanding of both sides of the courtroom needed to evaluate and exploit any weaknesses in the prosecution's case. Call for a consultation with a trusted criminal defense lawyer and get your answered.
Contact a Rhode Island murder defense attorney to discuss your defense.